I was feeling pretty yuck for sometime; years I’d say. Nothing specific really, I felt sluggish, under power, low energy, and irritable. I noticed if I drank alcohol and ate sweet things my skin would breakout in acne like spots. I looked puffy all the time and was putting on weight even when I was exercising and reducing my calories. Then I got migraines. Terrible migraines.
A friend put me in touch with Claire and I began the Whals Protocol. Once I learned why I needed to eat certain foods to improve my detox pathways I was hooked it made sense. Within the first month I lost one stone of weight and my migraines were less severe. For three months I have been feeling good and my body is much more lean. I still need to work on my self-care action plan Claire has designed with me.
I joke with Claire that I’m a work in progress but I am feeling Fabulously well on Whals!
Thanks to you Claire xx
I have been following the Whals Protocol ® for two months and my anxiety has improved and I feel less hormonal. I am a nurse and have two autoimmune diseases and know I’m ………..more likely to get third so I was looking for help. My job is really stressful, I’m menopausal and feel I’m running on empty most days.
I have found the The Whals Protocol ®very informative and very emotional. I have done 100days now which is such an achievement! When I look back on it the turning point for me was when Claire spent a lot of time helping me to identify “why I wanted my health” before we started. It was a very difficult first step for me but a necessary one for me. There were tears lots of tears but Claire was lovely. She was so supportive and encouraging and we took things at my pace.
Somehow Claire knew I needed to find my “why” so I would be motivated to change my lifestyle. I’m learning to live without processed food and I’m finding I quite enjoy cooking and looking for new recipes and trying new foods and flavours. Bone Broth is not bad at all! I’m only beginning, but I feel so much more in control of my health and hopeful that I can make the interventions that I need to help keep me well. My hubby says I’m the Queen now as I have regular Epson Salts baths, play binaural beats and eat good food every day.